Below we would like to present some of our references and projects that we have successfully realised with event agencies and customers as a service provider. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
You will find an extract from our reference list further down on this page.


List of references KWERTZ





Telekom Fan WorldFanfest UEFA Euro 2024 Berlin consulting fire safetyPreparing fire safety regulations, escpae route plan
ITBMesse BerlinTechnical conception and planning of various trade fair stands
JP+ Convention 24Convention in Berlindevelopment of stage design / planning / coordination of realisation

Specialist planning media technology
SAP capital city presence construction project in Berlin

Construction management, LPh 8, inspection and aproval of department planning, leading min / more list, coordination of individual departments, interface to SAP construction management and client
Traton SEShareholder anual meeting in MunichTechnical conception / planning / coordination of implementation
Melitta Sommerfest 24Employee summer event in MindenProjecmanagement / technical conception / planning / coordination of implementation / developing event content / budgetmanagement / infrastructural and logistical planning and coordination during implementation
Melitta Finance 24Meeting all board membersProjecmanagement / technical conception / planning / coordination of implementation / developing event content / budgetmanagement / infrastructural and logistical planning and coordination during implementation

Bürgerfest des Bundespräsidenten

(Citizens’ festival of the Federal President)

Volunteer Day and Open DayTechnical Director, teamlead, preparing event safety concept,
communication to local authorities, technical conception / planning / coordination of implementation / infrastructural and logistical planning and coordination during implementation, Soil protection planning, construction scheduling and construction management
HPE Discover 2024Conference, General Session, Breakout Sessions at Fira Gran Via BarcelonaTechnical Director, teamlead specialised planning team, teamlead setup coordination team, infrastructural and logistical planning, interface to location and other departments
Polka DotDecoded 24 Brussels,
Sub0 24 Bangkok,
IT developers conference
Technical conception / planning / coordination of implementation
Wikimedia Summit 2024Hybrid conference of Wikimedia Community live in Berlin and digitalTechnical conception / planning / coordination of implementation of the hybrid conference, Location Scouting / Handling, supporting Wikimedia event team, attendee management (Visa, travel, accomondation, digitale access) with our eventplatform







IGWMesse BerlinTechnical conception and planning of various trade fair stands
ITBMesse BerlinTechnical conception and planning of various trade fair stands
JP+ Convention 23Convention in BerlinTechnical concept / development of stage design and lighting design / planning / coordination of realisation

Specialist planning media technology
SAP capital city presence construction project in Berlin,

Opening Event


Construction of the “Brickwall” a mediatecture object

Construction management, LPh 8, inspection and aproval of department planning, leading min / more list, coordination of individual departments, interface to SAP construction management and client;
preparing event safety concept, supervision during the event;
Unterstützung und Koordinierung der Assembly, development of special solutions for assembly
Traton SEShareholder anual meeting in MunichTechnical conception / planning / coordination of implementation
German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer ProtectionOpen Day of the Federal Government at Potsdamer Platz Berlinpreparing event safety concept,
communication to local authorities, technical conception / planning / coordination of implementation

Bürgerfest des Bundespräsidenten

(Citizens’ festival of the Federal President)


Volunteer Day and Open DayTechnical Director, teamlead, preparing event safety concept,
communication to local authorities, technical conception / planning / coordination of implementation / infrastructural and logistical planning and coordination during implementation, Soil protection planning, construction scheduling and construction management
HPE Discover 2023Conference, General Session, Breakout Sessions at Fira Gran Via BarcelonaTechnical Director, teamlead, Infrastructural and logistical planning, construction scheduling and construction management
ParityDecoded 23 Cobenhaven,
Sub0 23 Lisbon,
IT developers conference
technical conception / planning / coordination of implementation
Dachser GLC / ACKonferenz für Führungskräfte

technical conception / planning / coordination of implementation / creation of floorplans, coordination of tender process 







Coupa Inspire EMEACelebration Night in BerlinDevelopment of the event concept, planning, realisation and budget management
GileadDigital-online Event produced at a TV studio in Frankfurt / Maintechnical conception / planning of the studio equipment as well as of the digital-online Eventplatform / coordination of implementation at the studio / operating the digital-online eventplatform
JP+ Convention 22Convention in Lyon FrankreichTechnical concept / development of stage design and lighting design / planning / coordination of realisation
SAPSpecialist planning media technology
SAP capital city presence construction project in Berlin,
Construction management, LPh 8, inspection and aproval of department planning, leading min / more list, coordination of individual departments, interface to SAP construction management and client
Traton SEdigital Shareholder anual meeting in MunichTechnical conception / planning / coordination of implementation
Wiki Summit 2022Hybrid conference of Wikimedia Community live in Berlin and digitalTechnical conception / planning / coordination of implementation of the hybrid conference, Location Scouting / Handling, supporting Wikimedia event team, attendee management (Visa, travel, accomondation, digitale access) with our eventplatform
German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer ProtectionOpen Day of the Federal Government at Potsdamer Platz Berlinpreparing event safety concept,
communication to local authorities, technical conception / planning / coordination of implementation
100 Jahre R+V InsuranceAnniversary event for employees at the  football stadium in WiesbadenTechnical Director, teamlead, Infrastructural and logistical planning, construction scheduling and construction management, supporting communication with local authorities
HPE Discover 2022Conference, General Session, Breakout Sessions at Messe FrankfurtTechnical Director, teamlead, Infrastructural and logistical planning, construction scheduling and construction management






Fraunhofer Symposium NetzwertStreaming portal for a digital-online event of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschafttechnical conception / operating the digital-online eventplatform
aware MasterclassMonthly digital-online event for sustainable action in the industrytechnical conception / operating the digital-online eventplatform
aware Think TankQuarterly digital-online event for sustainable action in the industrytechnical conception / operating the digital-online eventplatform
GileadDigital-online Event produced at a TV studio in Frankfurt / Maintechnical conception / planning of the studio equipment as well as of the digital-online Eventplatform / coordination of implementation at the studio / operating the digital-online eventplatform
Avantor / RitterEmployee motivation eventHygenic-Safety Instructor, coordination of implementation
MAN SEdigital Shareholder anual meeting in MunichTechnical conception / planning / coordination of implementation / Hygenic-Safety Instructor
Traton SEdigital Shareholder anual meeting in MunichTechnical conception / planning / coordination of implementation / Hygenic-Safety Instructor
NDR film premieredigital interview at the Kino Babylon BerlinTechnical conception / planning / coordination of implementation
Deutsche Post DHLLeasdership conferenceTechnical conception / development of stage design and lighting design / planning / coordination of implementation
Daimler TSSDigitale-online employee motivation event

Technical conception / planning / coordination of implementation

Development of digital processes in the interaction between studio and digital-online event platform / operating the digital-online eventplatform

JP+ Convention ParisConventionTechnical concept / development of stage design and lighting design / planning / coordination of realisation
S Bahn IdeenzugPresentation & information event for visions of urban transportTechnical conception / planning / coordination of implementation
aware conferencedigital-online event for sustainable action in the industryTechnical conception / planning / operating the digital-online eventplatform / developing / Voraufzeichnung von Aufträgen / Herstellung von digital-online Schalten
SAP Specialist planning media technology
SAP capital city presence construction project in Berlin,
Construction management, creating bill of quotation, coordination tender process, coordination of individual departments, interface to SAP construction management and client








RR TourRoyal Republic indoor Tour

Development of lighting design / planning / implementation

Rigging DepartmentConsulting and implementation of a rigging departmentTechnical conception
Avantor Sales conference in DresdenTechnical conception / planning / coordination of implementation
Convotherm sales toolTouch screen modul for sales partnersTechnical conception / planning / manufacturing
Fond 360° workshopDigital-online and hybrid meetingTechnical conception / planning / operating
vHV TratonDigital Shareholder anual meeting in MunichTechnical conception / planning / coordination of implementation / Hygenic-Safety Instructor
Zoom conferenceDigital-online event as part of the UN assemblyTechnical conception / planning / operating
Fond 360° conferenceDigital-online conferenceTechnical conception / planning / operating the digital-online eventplatform
vHV MANDigital Shareholder anual meeting in MunichTechnical conception / planning / coordination of implementation / Hygenic-Safety Instructor
Deutsche Post DHL RFQ processConsutling RFQ process, creating bill of quotation for event technologyTechnical conception / planning







KITTPres conference merge Car2go + Drive Now to Share Now – LED Stripe network structureTechnical conception / planning / manufacturing
JP+19 NUEJuicePLUS Convention 2019 NürnbergTechnical concept / development of stage design and lighting design / planning / coordination of realisation
RR VideoRoyal Republic video shooting – LED stripe constructionTechnical conception / planning / manufacturing
Melitta 111Anniversary 111 years Melitta – employee eventTechnical concept / development of stage design and lighting design / planning / coordination of realisation /  authorisation procedure
Samsung RoadshowProduct presentation with Live band at 4 different citiesTechnical concept / development of stage design and lighting design / planning / coordination of realisation
David Garrett Violin standSpecial construction for a flying violin stand including LED stripe lightingTechnical conception / planning / manufacturing
MAN HV 19Shareholder anual meeting in MunichTechnical concept / planning / coordination of realisation
Rigging DepartmentConsulting and implementation of a rigging departmentTechnical conception
RR TourRoyal Republic indoor TourDevelopment of lighting design / planning / implementation
PINAGEmployee eventcoordination of realisation
StallwächterpartySummer party of the Landesvertretung Baden-WürttembergTechnical concept / planning / coordination of realisation / Meister für Veranstaltungstechnik
Superb DPLSkoda Superb launch press eventTechnical concept / planning / coordination of realisation
Convotherm Video wallInstallation of a screen wall for a foyer areaTechnical concept / planning / manufacturing
FusionFusion Festival – LED stripe installation at Palappa stageTechnical concept / planning / manufacturing
Kamiq DPLSkoda Kamiq launch press eventTechnical concept / planning / coordination of realisation
JP+19 HHJuicePLUS Convention 2019 HamburgTechnical concept / development of stage design and lighting design / planning / coordination of realisation
Convotherm sales toolTouch screen modul for sales partnersTechnical concept / planning / manufacturing
Octavia OCDSkoda Octavia launch press eventTechnical concept / planning / coordination of realisation
Convotherm workshoproomInstallation of hardware for a workshoproomTechnical concept / planning / manufacturing
Skoda iVSkoda iV launch press eventTechnical concept / planning / coordination of realisation
FCDP19Employee sports event of Deutschen Post DHL employeesTechnical concept / planning / coordination of realisation